The application is made according to our brand, and it has new intuitive design, corresponding to peculiarities of using iPhone.
"Just as the main Internetbank, the iPhone application is an exclusive development, which has been created according to our customers’ needs. We have just launched the first version of application and will continue enhancing it the future," says ABLV Bank Chief Executive Officer Ernest Bernis.
Using Internetbank for iPhone, clients will be able to check accounts balances, sign and send previously prepared payments and applications to the bank, including those prepared by private bankers following the client’s request.
Now one neither needs a computer with Internet access, nor has to run ordinary Internetbank on a cell phone with a small display to send the documents — the customers just need to install our Internetbank application for iPhone available on AppStore and use it for managing their accounts. The login and authorization tools are the same as those in the ordinary Internetbank.