The core business activity of J&T INVESTI?NÍ SPOLE?NOST, a.s. is primarily collective investing in the form of establishing and managing mutual funds and investment funds, both for the general public and for qualified investors. The company also provides investment advisory and actively manages financial assets of individuals, corporations, and institutions. The general public may invest in mutual funds that have in the long run been among the top of Czech mutual funds. Among them is J&T OPPORTUNITY CZK, J&T OPPORTUNITY EUR, J&T Flexibilní dluhopisový fond and J&T KOMODITNÍ. The company also newly offers J&T BOND CZK and J&T BOND EUR. The funds meant only for qualified investors include J&T HIGH YIELD MONEY MARKET CZK I and II, and J&T HIGH YIELD MONEY MARKET EUR.
Together with the change of the name, the Board of Directors has also changed, which newly has three members. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of J&T INVESTI?NÍ SPOLE?NOST is Miloslav Zábojník, M.A., other ordinary members of the Board are Eva Bryndová, M.A. and Roman Hajda, M.Sc. The Supervisory Board is chared by Ivo Enenkl, M.A., with the other two members being t?pán Aer, MBA and Igor Ková?, M.Sc.
The company is an ordinary member of the Czech Association for Capital Markets (AKAT CR), which is a member of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA).