GDPR one year on and outlook to the year ahead

Jamie Crawley investigates the effect that GDPR has had on financial services, and what impact can be expected in private…

GDPR challenges for private banks and its impact a year on

Two days from the one-year anniversary of the implementation into European law of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), PBI asks the…

What you need to know about GDPR coming into force

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will offer people within the European Union (EU) more protection on the use…

Blockchain and GDPR trade-off in wealth management

With less than two weeks to go until the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) kicks in, industry participants are…

PBI survey: Two-thirds of wealth managers are ready for GDPR

Almost two-thirds (65%) of players across the wealth management and private banking market say they are prepared for the EU’s…

Interview: Private banking in Luxembourg

Carlo Friob, CEO Luxembourg, KBL European Private Bankers, (KBL epb) tells Saloni Sardana about the financial institution’s digital priorities for…

Unprepared private banks face knockout blow from GDPR

With MIFID II currently top of the regulatory agenda for private banks and wealth managers, research by Private Banker International…