Concept: China’s engineering company Zoomlion has launched a collaborative intelligent robotic excavator that is equipped with a bionic control mode for complex tasks. The excavator is equipped with a human-machine interface (HMI) system integrating AI and intelligent control enabling it to interact with the operator and perform tasks automatically. The company claims that the intelligent excavator can recognize both gestures and voice commands.
Nature of Disruption: Once the operator enters the 3D model of the site and the task to be performed to the robotic excavator, it performs an overall analysis. The robotic excavator can drive to the target site automatically and then start the work without the need for operators or professional surveyors. Zoomlion has changed the traditional command interactions and has developed voice commands that can recognize various commands including forward, reverse, and turn. The voice recognition can also recognize a complex command to dig leveraging the automatic operation control mobile application developed by Zoomlion. The company claims that it has developed operation guidelines based on the precise positioning requirements of the construction industry. The intelligent robotic excavator seemingly makes demanding slope cutting easy and more accurate. The bionic control mode of the excavator enables it to follow the arm movements of the operator that offers precision operation.
Outlook: Intellectualization has become the new trend in the development of construction machinery. Smart robotic construction machinery can help in improving the efficiency of the construction industry and reducing operating costs. It can also operate in hazardous and complex environments that can protect operators from risk. Zoomlion claims that the new intelligent robotic excavator incorporates the latest technologies including AI and HMI to make construction activities more efficient and cost-effective.