US-based wealth manager Zoe Financial has unveiled a new digital investment platform for its wealth management clients.

Dubbed Zoe Wealth Platform, the offering has been designed to enable the customers to open investment accounts instantly with a financial advisor.

The platform boasts of various features such as account funding, automated rebalancing, along with commission-free fractional trading.

It’s Find An Advisor Tool is capable of helping the users to find and hire an investor as well as professionally manage their portfolios.

Zoe Financial CEO and founder Andres Garcia-Amaya said: “Most wealth platforms today were built decades ago.

“It just wasn’t technologically feasible to create a turnkey wealth management platform that allows collaboration and execution.

“Growing your wealth is tough, Zoe makes it easy. We’ve married what already exists with the new technology that allows for a seamless collaborative experience.”

In addition, Zoe has forged an alliance with Apex Fintech Solutions to provide custody and clearing tools through Zoe Wealth Platform.

Under the tie-up, Zoe provides commission-free, fractional trading across a number of US-listed securities.

Customers can also gain commission-free trading access to more than 30,000 mutual funds in the US.

Zoe Financial head of investments Rajesh Gaur said: “Fractional trading allows the client accounts to be as fully invested as possible without the need to trade whole shares.

“Ultimately, it helps advisors effectively manage the portfolio risk and clients achieve their financial goals.” In June last year, Zoe announced a collaboration with Virginia-based registered investment advisory (RIA) Craftwork Capital to facilitate customised advice to the clients.