Advisory firm Willis Towers Watson has named Fabien Conderanne as deputy head of financial solutions for Asia Pacific.

Conderanne will be based in Singapore and report to the firm’s managing director of financial solutions for Asia Pacific Stuart Ashworth.

Conderanne has an experience of 16 years in the financial services industry. He previously served as the CEO at Coface Singapore, and as the regional CFO at Coface Asia Pacific.

Willis Towers Watson global chairman of financial solutions Paul Davidson said: “We are delighted to welcome Fabien to the Financial Solutions business. His recruitment further evidences our commitment to deliver consistently high quality outcomes to our clients by continually building and enhancing the depth and experience of our global team.”

The firm’s financial solutions division comprises hubs in London, Singapore, Hong Kong, Melbourne, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, as well as Dubai.