Billions of shillings hoarded in secret Swiss bank accounts will be recovered, said Githu Muigai, attorney general of Kenya.

Muigai told publication The Star that significant progress has been made in the probe regarding unreported funds and assets held by Kenyans in these offshore accounts.

After handing over a second batch of fresh evidence to the Swiss authorities gathered by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), Muigai said, "Kenya is confident that this fresh material will help the Swiss authorities to get the people looting public funds and stashing them away in secret accounts overseas. I can tell you that the Swiss authorities now have information on who did what, where and how."

Irene Keino, EACC vice-chairperson, said that in the coming two weeks the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions will disclose the names of the architects of Anglo Leasing wanted by the commission for prosecution.

According to statistics from a report by the Swiss National Bank published in 2012, Kenyans have stashed KES72bn in secret Swiss bank accounts.

Moreover, Kenya reportedly lost over KES100bn through the Goldenberg foreign exchange and Anglo Leasing security contracts scandals.

The country inked a mutual legal assistance agreement with the Swiss government last year, which has renewed hopes of probe into both the scandals.