This collaboration between Wells Fargo and Team Rubicon aims to solve the overall shortage of credentialed contractors in communities, particularly following natural disasters.

The humanitarian organisation Team Rubicon, formed by veterans, has observed a significant scarcity of contractors possessing the necessary abilities to offer homeowners rebuild and repair services that are both high-quality and efficient after disasters.

In response to this shortfall, Team Rubicon is creating the TRades Academy programme, which will provide trainees with HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and contracting skills that they can utilise in their local communities.

By the year of 2025, Team Rubicon hopes to have considerably increased rebuild operations owing to the TRades Academy, which also gives students the certifications and practical knowledge they need to become qualified contractors in their local communities.

The A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation is a major sponsor of the initiative and seeks to reflect contributions up to $6.5m, including the $750,000 Wells Fargo grant that launched the project.

Wells Fargo is increasing its funding for Team Rubicon in an effort to support regions around the world before, during, and after crises and disasters.

The bank is preparing for the years to come by launching the TRades Academy, which can help with the growing labour shortage that will be necessary to fix homes and small businesses.

Over 50 million Americans lost their employment in 2022 alone as a result of the pandemic’s major breakdown of the labour force.

When the pandemic was at its worst, the National Association of Home Builders discovered that 69% of its members were experiencing difficulties finding qualified workers.

The construction industry and skilled tradesmen were not exempt from the Great Resignation.

After establishing a prototype rebuild operation in Houston after Hurricane Harvey, Team Rubicon has been involved in long-term recovery for five years, leading seven rebuild operations for communities recovering from natural disasters.

Teams have thus far repaired 200 homes and more than 500 roofs for families and individuals in need.

Furthermore, Team Rubicon is still able to pinpoint the homeowners who are having the hardest time getting their houses back to normal after a disaster and offer the rebuilding and repair services that are required to make their homes safe and healthy again.

With 13 years of expertise, Team Rubicon has also helped neighbours affected by calamities by enlisting veteran community members. By maintaining their service and training with Team Rubicon, which will expand through the TRades Academy, veterans who interact with the organisation receive real benefits.

“Wells Fargo’s continued partnership with Team Rubicon remains essential in our mission to assist the most vulnerable communities,” said Team Rubicon CEO Art delaCruz. “Looking forward, Wells Fargo is at the forefront of our efforts, as Team Rubicon performs long‑term recovery by supporting TRades to address the growing skilled lab or shortage.”

Although it is anticipated that the academy would primarily assist veterans in the community, anybody wishing to develop managerial skills and obtain a licence as a contractor are encouraged to apply.

This will allow them to help others in local communities find work and leadership possibilities.

Students will be chosen to participate in the programme and be apprenticed in skilled crafts in the upcoming years.

Since 2021, the Wells Fargo Foundation has partnered with Team Rubicon.

Team Rubicon was previously awarded $2.5m by Wells Fargo, which enabled the humanitarian organisation to promptly aid communities in the initial days following a catastrophe or disaster.