Developed for financial advisors, the Wealthcare UMH is a comprehensive suite of services which places clients’ life goals at the forefront of advice and helps advisors in guiding its clients to achieve their dreams.
David Loeper, president and chief executive officer of Wealthcare Capital Management, said, "Our patented process is unique to the industry since it doesn’t consider beating a benchmark as success. Instead, we measure success against reaching clients’ life goals and dreams."
The services provided by Wealthcare UMH to advisors include an integrated platform which helps advisors with planning and tax location management.
The patented platform by Wealthcare helps advisors manage portfolios on the basis of life goals; optimizes tax and trading systems; offers a client dashboard that shows goal funding status for every client; and continues monitoring of client’s progress with quarterly and ad hoc forward looking status reports.
Wealthcare Capital Management board member Leonard Reinhart said, "The days of non-integrated managed account platforms that focus on managing isolated accounts without taking a client’s life goals and other assets into consideration are numbered."
Wealthcare UMH is a low-cost platform that helps advisors manage their clients’ assets in compliance with their life’s goals.
"Wealthcare’s patented platform is the first that bridges this gap, delivering low-cost investment strategies that are directly linked to each investor’s life goals, while increasing the value of the advisor," Reinhart adds.