Advisers are most concerned about volatility, followed by interest rates, as well as a flattening/inverted yield curve.
The findings are from a survey by E*TRADE Advisor Services, which polled 305 independent RIAs.
On the other hand, the clients’ top concern was recession. Thirty-three percent of the surveyed clients voiced this concern.
This marks a rise of seven percentage points from last quarter when volatility was cited as the biggest concern.
Of advisers polled, 53% believed that IT has the most opportunity for their clients in the coming months, which is consistent with findings from the last quarter.
Forty-three percent of the advisers held the same opinion about health care, while 34% were optimistic about financials.
Meanwhile, advisers also opined that trying to time the market is the biggest mistake clients being made by clients. This is consistent with the findings of the previous quarter.
E*TRADE Advisor Services head Matt Wilson said: “Advisers are focusing on the fundamentals of our economy, which are on relatively solid footing despite how late we are in the bull market run.
“Amid the recent market volatility, advisers can really demonstrate their value to clients—shoring up defenses in client portfolios, helping them understand the bigger picture, and encouraging them to stay focused on their long-term goals.”