The second largest investor in the Vietnamese stock exchange after the Vietnamese government, Dragon Capital, will meet with 25 family offices in Sydney and Melbourne, reports Financial Standard.

The fund manager’s third trip to Australia in five years will represent a change in strategy. The fund previously devoted attention to superannuation funds, but it has now turned to family offices.

Dragon Capital previously managed funds for two Australian asset managers, but they sold out around three years ago.

Stoops said that the Vietnamese market said was a more manageable way for family offices to access emerging markets and may even represent a better fit than investing in China.

"As a family office, if you had a million dollars to invest in China, this could be overwhelming prospect, it’s so massive and it’s a huge market. Whereas Vietnam being a smaller market with a smaller market cap, and with most family offices are around US$500 million, is a much more manageable option for them,’ he said.

Ailsa Cuthbert, Dragon Capital client group manager said that many of the fund’s existing clients have established businesses in Vietnamese and are looking at investing in equities and they are finding a similar theme with Australian family office investors.

"There are two were talking to here that have hotel and steel businesses. Emerging markets may seem risky, but if you already have a business there, and you know that country and you’ve done your research so you may see the potential," she said.

Stoops said more Australian companies are putting money into Vietnam.

"High profile businesses in finance including ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, QBE Insurance and some oil and gas exploration through Santos," he said.

"There are lot of opportunities in financial services and wealth management.

Dragon Capital has US$1 billion in funds under management and is the biggest domestic fund manager in Vietnam.