UK wealth managers are almost evenly split in their opinions around the possible impacts of Scottish independence on their clients.

According to early findings from a survey conducted by law firm Withers Worldwide, 53% of the UK wealth management industry, including bankers, financial advisors, lawyers and accountants UK wealth managers, do not think results of the upcoming referendum, which takes place on 18 September 2014, will have an impact on their clients.

On the other hand, 47% of the wealth managers surveyed said the results will in fact have an impact.

The survey, launched three weeks ago and still ongoing, has so far obtained more than 131 responses including individuals from groups such as Barclays Wealth, Buzzacott, C Hoare & Co, Cazenove Capital Management, Coutts, and more, the law firm told PBI.

Withers has asked whether and how a yes vote would affect wealth management clients.

Withers partner Matthew Woods said:"Although the outcome of the vote remains relatively unpredictable, one thing we can say with certainty is that the Scottish government will have greater powers and latitude in policy-making, whether its citizens vote for independence or not."

More importantly, Woods added:"Ultra wealthy individuals in Scotland account for only five percent of the UK’s total, so the issue is not so much how independence will affect the wealthy in Scotland, but in the UK as a whole."

In Withers’ view, there will be a certain amount of impact on landowners – especially non-Scottish – who have been apprehensive about the direction in which the debate on landed estates has been heading for several years, and fear that a vote for independence will accelerate this situation considerably.

The question of how Scotland will deal with non-domiciled residents is also another area of uncertainty, as the Scottish National Party does not appear to have clarified its position on it yet, Woods said.