Adult clients may now electronically open investment accounts as a gift for children and invest straight in particular funds using the UBS key4 smart investing digital investment solution.
UBS Key4 Smart Investing is a substitute for the traditional UBS Youth Savings Account and is suitable for parents, grandparents, godparents, and anybody else who wishes to accumulate funds for a child.
Clients can use a standing order or one-time payments to invest consistently in a selection of funds starting with a minimum of CHF50 ($57.07).
There is a large assortment of over 20 actively and passively managed funds, many with a focus on sustainability.
Furthermore, clients can customise an investment plan to suit their needs by using the personal investor profile. These include the thematic funds that concentrate on digitalisation or megatrends, or widespread UBS strategy funds.
The app allows users to manage their investments independently and continuously.
Sabine Magri, COO UBS Switzerland stated: “By the end of the year, more than 200 000 clients will be using at least one UBS key4 product. The new gift investment account is the next step in the continuous expansion of our digital offering, which will enable us to respond even better to the ever-changing needs of our clients.”
UBS key4 pension 3a development
Additionally, the UBS Key4 Pension 3a digital pension offer has been enhanced with new features and refined based on feedback from clients.
Given each client’s unique risk profile, UBS is able to deliver further tailored and personalised investment recommendations by evaluating their investment horizon and risk tolerance.
Clients can now readily determine what can be attained with regular retirement provision over a preferred risk profile and investment period with the help of a new simulation calculator.
Consumers have the option to select five out of the eleven sustainable Vitainvest retirement funds that are both actively and passively managed.
The “UBS House View,” or the investment recommendations of UBS Chief Investment Office (CIO) experts, serves as the foundation for the investment solutions.
Earlier in December 2023, the boards of UBS Group, UBS and Credit Suisse approved a merger of UBS and Credit Suisse.
This follows the merger of the holding companies UBS Group and CS Group on 12 June 2023. The completion of the merger between UBS and Credit Suisse is expected to happen in 2024.
In addition, UBS is still preparing for the planned merger of UBS Switzerland and Credit Suisse (Schweiz) in 2024 as well.