The Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation, created by UBS and Swisscom, aims to mobilise CHF50bn over 10 years for Swiss start-ups and scale-ups in the deep tech sector, indirectly generating up to 100,000 new jobs by improving framework conditions and increasing financing for innovation.

Switzerland excels in innovation, due to its unique education system and research facilities, but lacks venture capital, particularly in the research-intensive deep tech sector, for commercialisation.

Start-ups in Switzerland require more financial support for growth, with under CHF3bn ($3.3bn) per year currently being used.

However, nations like Sweden and Israel invest more, reaching CHF5bn and CHF10bn respectively.

The Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation aims to establish Switzerland as a nation for deep tech-based solutions that actively contribute to societal challenges such as nutrition, climate protection, energy supply, health, and education.

Sabine Keller-Busse, President UBS Switzerland: ”UBS has a long tradition of promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in Switzerland. With the Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation, we want to improve framework conditions for the launch of visionary technology aimed at overcoming societal challenges.”

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Christoph Aeschlimann, CEO of Swisscom added: ‘‘Innovative technologies and entrepreneurship strengthen Switzerland’s competitiveness. In order for more venture capital to be able to turn ingenious ideas into successful solutions, the Deep Tech Nation Switzerland Foundation is needed. We are tackling global challenges by building a dynamic ecosystem for start-ups and scale-ups that focus on social issues.”

Moreover, Switzerland is enhancing its business environment through improved framework conditions.

The foundation offers four initiatives to sustainably modify the relevant framework conditions:

  • A Venture Hub Switzerland is set to be established, offering competitive financial and legal structures and attractive investment conditions internationally.
  • Deep Tech Nation Switzerland is developing platforms like Unicorn Factory to support high-potential start-ups and scale-ups, promoting an effective innovation ecosystem, and promoting existing activities.
  • A Swiss innovation ecosystem information platform will be instituted, providing investors with a transparent and quick overview.
  • Switzerland’s international promotion aims to launch its global recognition as a Deep Tech nation and ensure the visibility of its innovation ecosystem.