GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, has revealed its league tables for top 10 financial advisers by value and volume in South & Central America for Q1-Q3 2021 in its report, ‘Global and South & Central America M&A Report Financial Adviser League Tables Q1-Q3 2021’.
According to GlobalData’s M&A report, a total of 782 mergers and acquisition (M&A) deals were announced in the region during Q1-Q3 2021. The deal value for the region increased by 106.8% from $44bn during Q1-Q3 2020 to $91bn during Q1-Q3 2021.
Top Advisers by Value and Volume
JP Morgan and Rothschild & Co emerged as the top M&A financial advisers in South & Central America for Q1-Q3 2021 in terms of value and volume, respectively.
JP Morgan advised on eight deals valued at $13bn. This amount was the highest among all the advisers. Rothschild & Co led in volume chart, having advised on ten deals worth $2.9bn.
GlobalData lead analyst Aurojyoti Bose said: “There was close competition for the top position both in terms of value and volume. However, Rothschild & Co managed to score a double-digit deal volume and JP Morgan managed to cross deal value of $12bn.
“Meanwhile, JP Morgan also edged past Rothschild & Co in terms of value due to its involvement in billion-dollar deals (valued more than or equal to $1bn). While JP Morgan managed to advise on three billion-dollar deals, Rothschild & Co advised on one such deal.”
Itau Unibanco took the second spot by value with five deals worth $10.7bn. It was followed by BTG Pactual with three deals valued at $10.5bn, Citi with three deals valued at $10.2bn and XP Investimentos with two deals worth $9.2bn.
The second position in the volume chart was occupied by Clairfield International with nine deals worth $174m. It was followed by JP Morgan. Lazard took the fourth spot by volume with seven deals worth $4.5bn, followed by Itau Unibanco.
GlobalData’s league tables are based on the real-time tracking of thousands of company websites, advisory firm websites and other reliable sources available on the secondary domain. A dedicated team of analysts monitors all these sources to gather in-depth details for each deal, including adviser names.
To ensure further robustness to the data, the company also seeks submissions from leading advisers, through adviser submission forms on GlobalData’s website.