Till Capital, a Bermuda domiciled reinsurance provider, has acquired a 10% interest in Courant Capital Management, a New York-based alternative money management firm.

Courant Capital will manage a portion of Till’s assets employing its relative value market neutral strategy covering large cap US equities, an investment approach developed by founding member and Chief Investment Officer, Dr. Mel Mullin.

Till Capital is the result of the merger between royalty manager Americas Bullion Royalty Corp and investment company Kudu Partners LLC.

Till utilizes a non-traditional approach to create a company with diversified investments, well-positioned for future growth through access to and strategic deployment of reinsurance premium capital from its wholly owned subsidiary Resource Re Ltd., a Bermuda Class 3A reinsurer. Till Capital commenced trading on April 24th, 2014 seeking to combine the expertise of William M. Sheriff, of Americas Bullion and accomplished market trader and innovator, William A. Lupien.

“Courant fits perfectly with Till’s goal of optimizing capital use from the reinsurance business,” said William Lupien, Chief Investment Officer of Till Management, the wholly owned investment management division of Till Capital. “We look forward to working with Courant.”

William Sheriff, Chairman & CEO of Till Capital said, “Courant’s unique large-cap equity trading strategy, which is designed to generate consistent returns while limiting market risk is ideally designed to provide a growing capital base for our reinsurance business.”