High net worth individuals’ top three financial resolutions for 2014 are to save more for their retirement, include more higher risk investments in their portfolios, and provide greater levels of financial support for their families.

According to a recent survey from financial advisory organisation deVere Group, in the last quarter of 2013, 38% of those polled said their ultimate objective for the year ahead was to build their retirement funds. Furthermore, 20% said their number one priority was to diversify their investment portfolios to include riskier opportunities, 22% responded that they hope to be able to offer more financial assistance to loved ones, whilst 11% cited a combination of other resolutions.

The 547 deVere clients responding to the survey were aged between 25 and 75, and had investable assets of more than £1 million. These were residents of the UK, USA, South Africa, Hong Kong, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and the UAE.

Of the findings, Nigel Green, the founder and chief executive of deVere Group, said: "The poll highlights that even society’s wealthier people are concerned about being able to fund the lifestyle they desire throughout their retirement. Their worries are fuelled by soaring living costs, low interest rates, and the possibility of high, long-term medical and/or care bills in the future.

"With these factors in mind, and because of rising life expectancy, meaning the money we accumulate will have to last longer than ever before, it is prudent that putting more aside to fund retirement is the number one resolution in 2014."

He continued: "High net worth individuals’ appetite for risk appears to be growing further as we move into the New Year. The generally more optimistic feeling about the global economy combined with the low interest rate/creeping inflation environment, amongst other issues, is driving an increasing number of people to consider increasing their holdings of higher risk-higher return investments to maximise their wealth in 2014. It would seem that these people know that holding large amounts of cash for example will, typically, only make them poorer."

Green concluded: "With many young families struggling to cope with high levels of debt and the burgeoning cost of living, financially supporting loved ones, particularly children and grandchildren with things like school and university fees, is perhaps unsurprisingly another key priority for next year amongst those we surveyed."