Switzerland and Belize have signed an agreement for automatic exchange of tax information in London on 10 August 2015.

The tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) governs the exchange of information upon request.

The deal will include Swiss federal, cantonal, and communal taxes on income and capital, and the cantonal and communal inheritance and gift taxes. For Belize, the agreement will cover income tax, business tax, and general sales tax.

The pact, which has to be approved by the Swiss parliament, will be subject to a referendum before it comes into force.

The cantons and business associations have already expressed their support for the deal.

The new agreement brings the total number of TIEAs signed by Switzerland to nine.

Switzerland’s TIEAs with Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man have come into force and have been applicable since 1 January 2015, while its agreements with Andorra, Greenland, San Marino, and the Seychelles entered into force in July and will be applicable from 1 January 2016.