Majority of investors are interested in sustainable investing but few are able to translate their intentions into reality, finds a survey by Schroders.

The study polled more than 25,000 investors across 32 locations globally.

Of those polled, 32% were found interested in sustainable investments while only 16% were found actually making such investments.

Asian investors led the batch in this regard, with 87% of India, 80% of China and 77% of Thailand investors citing that they always took sustainability factors into account while making investments.

The same was cited by 40% of investors in Canada and Denmark, and 41% in the Netherlands. These countries arguably prioritised sustainability for a longer period, Schroders noted.

Notably, Japan lagged behind its global peers in sustainable investing. Only 26% of the country’s investors said that they already invested or wanted to make sustainable investments.

On the other hand, 73% of Indian investors already invested or wanted to invest sustainably. This was the highest proportion globally.

The study also found 63% of investors believing that climate change will have “at least some impact on their investing” and 33% believing that it will have “very little or no impact”.

Besides, 71% of the investors opined that man-made climate change is a real phenomenon that is affecting the world.

Schroders global head of stewardship Jessica Ground said: “There remains a gulf between people’s sustainable investment aspirations and the reality of how they prioritise these factors in their investment decision-making.

“A significant proportion of investors clearly believe that sustainable investing is important, but this has yet to translate into tangible action for the majority.”