StreetTalk Advisors – a money management company in Houston, Texas – has changed its name to STA Wealth Management and its approach to managing clients’ money.

According to CEO Lance Roberts, the change is due to instability in domestic and global economies that can quickly impact markets coupled with fragile investor psychology.

"We are value investors, but the value investor theory of buying and holding over a long period of time is dead," Roberts said. "We are changing how we invest our clients’ money because there are too many outside factors – like government shutdowns and high frequency trading – that impact the markets and, quite frankly, impact investor psychology."

Expanding its office space and investment capabilities, STA Wealth Management has created a new proprietary technical analysis with four stages to manage risk and ensure investors are maximizing bull market opportunities while not being overly exposed when short-term indicators show different levels of risk.

"The long-term investor is dead, and our new approach looks at fundamental value by merging short-term movements of the markets with a long-term strategy. And our new proprietary technical analysis helps take the guess work out of investing," Roberts said. "Clients want to make as much money as possible with as little risk as possible, and this new approach is tactically sensitive to cater to investor psychology."

With the new office expansion and platform, STA Wealth Management also provides a new service to independent advisors.

"There are too many financial advisors out there who either don’t have the resources to make informed decisions for their clients or are beholden to their company’s larger investment strategy and aren’t giving their clients the best advice possible," Roberts said. "Therefore, in addition to our new approach to investing, STA Wealth Management now provides office space and a suite of financial services to independent investment advisors."