Around half of HNW investors in Singapore and Hong Kong believe that the global economic environment will be slightly better in the next three months, according to a survey by LGT.
In this regard, Singaporean investors were found to be more positive than investors in Hong Kong.
The study polled 308 HNW investors in Singapore as well as Hong Kong.
Of those polled, 42% expect a Sino-US trade deal in the second half of this year.
Moreover, 70% of the respondents believe that China can “avoid a hard landing” on account of its strong domestic consumption and ongoing monetary easing.
On Wednesday, the Hurun Report found that China had lost 213 billionaires as a result of last year’s volatility in markets.
However, respondents to this survey had a “constructive” outlook on equity markets, the global economy and China for 2019.
However, they were bearish on the Chinese yuan (CNY).
Fifty nine percent of investors opine that the CNY will depreciate against the US dollar in the coming three to six months.
“This might suggest that investors think that a weaker CNY could be part of the ‘tool box’ for the authorities in China to facilitate a soft landing. A further surprise is the high levels of cash in investor portfolios; this may suggest that while being generally positive on equities, investors want to have cash on hand to buy into market dips over the coming 3 to 6 months,” LGT said.
When asked about preferred equity markets, Hong Kong-based HNW investors named their home market as the first priority, followed by US equities.
Similarly, HNW investors in Singapore too favoured their home market the most, followed by Asia ex-Japan stocks.