Societe Generale Securities Services (SGSS) has rolled out a new reporting tool that helps its clients to measure investment strategies’ impact on the environment and the society.

Known as ESG Reporting, the new system enables institutional investors and asset managers to rate their investments against a wide spectrum of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) indicators using MSC data and methodology.

These indicators include parameters such as CO2 emissions, board composition and executives’ salaries as well as labour management and producer responsibility.

Using the new service, investors now can evaluate the risks linked to these factors, which will help them to identify the best and worst assets in their portfolios or funds.

Societe Generale Securities Services head Bruno Prigent said: “Asset managers are not only concerned about financial goals such as yield, security and liquidity but also -and increasingly- about their impact on society.

“The new service we offer will help our clients to make the right investment decisions to maximize their positive impacts.”