Danish investment bank Saxo Bank has announced a collaboration with investment manager Brown Advisory to launch a digital investment portfolio of ethical stocks.
The portfolio will be available initially to institutional and SaxoSelect clients serviced out of Denmark, Singapore, Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
These clients of Saxo Bank will be the first outside of the US to get access to Brown Advisory’s Ethical Selection portfolio.
The Ethical Selection portfolio comprises of 30-40 stocks selected by Brown Advisory on the basis of using sustainability drivers to add value to shareholders.
Tim Hathaway, portfolio manager for Ethical Selection strategy at Brown Advisory says: “Our strategy incorporates a multi-step ESG analysis that goes beyond negative screening, to create a concentrated portfolio of high-conviction names that we believe should provide attractive risk-adjusted returns over time.
“Put simply, we consider sustainable investing to be smart investing, and we believe that investing through this lens we can drive both attractive returns and positive contributions to our society.”
Demand for sustainable investing has grown greatly in recent years, but studies suggest this has yet to be fully borne out by portfolio distribution.
Henry Frankclin, head of Nordic distribution for Brown Advisory, says “As demand for sustainable investing continues to grow, we are excited that Brown Advisory will be collaborating with Saxo Bank to offer The Brown Advisory Ethical Selection strategy on the SaxoSelect platform.
“Similarly to Saxo Bank, we believe that ethical investing does not have to be a trade-off between values and returns.”
Kim Fournais, CEO and founder of Saxo Bank, adds: “More investors want their portfolios to better reflect their personal beliefs and realise that it is through their investments they can have the biggest impact on the world.
“Our investments give us a strong voice and unique opportunity to influence and deliver real impact in the world we live in, and Brown Advisory’s track-record demonstrates that ESG factors can also be a solid driver of positive financial returns.”
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Why ESG investors aren’t satisfied with their ‘good’ investments