Santander Asset Management has named Adam Harnetty as new head of credit research in its European fixed income unit.
Based in London, Harnetty will report to Adam Cordery, global head of European Fixed Income.
In his new role, Harnetty will manage Santander Asset Management’s team of four fixed income analysts, enhancing the credit investment process and will support stock-selection decisions for the euro and sterling portfolios.
Harnetty, with over 25 year’s experience, has served in several firms including Schroders, Invesco, BNP, Kleinwort Benson and Ernst & Young. Previously, he has worked across a range of credit asset classes including investment grade, high yield and leveraged loans.
Adam Cordery, global head of European Fixed Income, said: "He is a great credit analyst with lots of experience, and will be a real asset for the European Fixed Income team."
Harnetty’s move follows the appointment of David Scammell as senior manager for the sovereign bond fund.