Swanest, a robo-adviser with offices in London and Brussels, has gone live with its investment hub.

The debut offering of the hub is a digital portfolio tracker.

The tracker has been designed to enable investors create a holistic view of their savings and investments covering stocks, ETFs, mutual funds and crypto.

The launch follows extensive user testing that found holistic view of financial position as one of investors’ basis needs.

Swanest CEO Silvan Schumacher said: “A holistic view of your finances is the basic information needed to start enhancing your financial situation.

“We want every investor to benefit from the technology, no matter whether the person is self-directed or invests together with a financial adviser.”

Swanest recently rolled out a risk and return scanner, which it demoed at Finovate Europe in February.

The scanner leverages advanced algorithms to automate the risk and expected return analysis of investors’ financial assets.

Plans are on to support automatic connection of investment and savings accounts in the future.

Schumacher added: “Most people will struggle to meet their financial goals in the future and will need guidance on how they can improve their situation.

“Yet, the inability of financial advisers to provide services to people with a low amount of investable assets creates a so called ‘advice gap’. Our intent is to help to close this gap.”