Singapore-based OCBC Bank has launched a human resource (HR) mobile app for employees to enhance operational efficiencies within the firm.

The new HR In Your Pocket app features an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot named Buddy, which is integrated with the HR information system of the bank. The chatbot offers responses specific to each employee, such as leave balance, medical and lifestyle expenses reimbursement claim status, bank’s code of conduct, internal job postings, HR policies, among others.

Employees will be able the access the new app using OCBC OneTouch. Queries can be either typed in the chat window or made using voice command.

The app, which has been developed in-house, will currently run on iOS platforms. Plans are on to make the app available on Android platform later. The bank plans to roll out the app in its Malaysian unit by the end of 2017.

OCBC Bank head of group human resources Jason Ho said: “The internal feedback was that our apps for customers are innovative and useful, so we thought: ‘Why not channel our bank’s digital capabilities and technological expertise into developing intuitive and easy-to-use apps for our employees too?’ This is all the more apt as mobile phones have become an indispensable gadget for everyone, and the HR app readily complements this modern lifestyle.”