Highly experienced directors Ronan Guilfoyle and Wade Kenny have launched a new fund governance venture, dubbed Calderwood, in the Cayman Islands.

The new firm will offer independent directors for offshore and onshore investment funds, as well advisory services to distressed funds and structured finance vehicles, along with board support and independent representation services.

"Our experience with every aspect of the hedge fund business, including successfully guiding funds through the financial crisis and systems that match the needs of our clients with the industry, alongside our ability to focus exclusively on our new clients, is together a very attractive proposition for fund managers in the current climate of heightened risk awareness," Guilfoyle said.

Guilfoyle and Kenny, together, have more than 17 years’ experience within the governance industry, serving as independent directors on some of the largest funds in the industry.

Guilfoyle earlier served as a managing director at DMS Offshore Investment Services, where he was responsible for the company’s strategic development, co-led its European offices and led its international expansion.

Kenny held the role of an executive director at DMS, responsible for offering fund governance services to hedge fund and private equity clients, and offering management oversight for the Cayman office.