British banking group Lloyds is set to introduce a mass-market robo-advisor service for clients next year.

Clients with assets below £100,000 will gain access to the robo-advisory service.

Lloyds and Halifax customers can avail the new service.

Clients having more than £100,000 in investable assets will be serviced by Schroders Personal Wealth, which was unveiled earlier this year.

Available to private banking customers, Schroders Personal Wealth is a joint venture (JV) between Lloyds and Schroders.

Lloyds has a 50.1% stake in the JV, with the remainder owned by Schroders.

Lloyds group director for insurance and wealth Antonio Lorenzo said:  “Having established the company in the first of half of 2019, Schroders Personal Wealth will launch to the market later this year, operating a restricted model with a wide product set.

“We believe that a best-in-class product offering, combined with transparent and competitive fees, will be attractive to customers in the growing mass affluent market.”

HNW and UHNW clients holding more than £1m in investable assets will be serviced by Cazenove Capital.

In the recent years, various firms have embraced robo-advisers.

Notably, Investec recently closed its robo-adviser Click & Invest.

UBS too offloaded its robo-advisory platform in the UK called SmartWealth after finding its near-term potential to be limited.