Kasikorn Asset Management has joined forces with Eastspring Investments to co-manage a new Asian fixed income fund to be launched in Thailand.
The new vehicle, dubbed K Asia Fixed Income Fund (K-AFIXED), will incorporate an actively managed investment approach to deliver a return of 3 to 4% per year to investors. The fund will not pay dividends more than twice annually.
Eastspring Investments CIO of fixed income Boon Peng Ooi said: “With Asian bonds, investors can reap considerable benefit from its attractive yields and expanding opportunities in its dynamic fixed income markets."
Kasikorn will manage the Thai fixed income portion of the fund. The team at Eastspring, headed by fund manager Guan Yi Low, will be responsible for investing into Asian ex-Thailand local currency bonds as well as investment grade credits.
Kasikorn Asset Management executive chairman Vasin Vanichvoranun added: “K Asia fixed income fund is an interesting alternative for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and gain attractive returns amid high-risk and highly volatile stock markets.
“Focusing on investment in high-quality investment-grade Asian bonds, rather than only domestic bonds, the fund should yield attractive returns for investors.”