Retirement income specialist Just Retirement has selected State Street Global Advisors (SSGA) to manage range of risk graded multi-asset funds for its Flexible Pension Plan customers.

SSGA said that its Investment Solution Group will manage the funds and use the company’s index funds for both equities and fixed income.

Just Retirement’s Flexible Pension Plan comprises a total of eight risk graded funds that are diversified across global equities, money market, government as well as corporate bonds. It allows clients to opt a fund that matches their appetite for risk.

Just Retirement group communications director Stephen Lowe remarked: "Just Retirement is diversifying its retirement proposition for middle Britain customers. In addition to providing modern solutions that deliver an individually underwritten guaranteed income for life, we now have the capability to provide the market with a wider choice of retirement propositions.

"Initially we will provide middle Britain customers with a solution to secure pension savings, not required to generate a guaranteed income for life, in a tax efficient environment supported by a range of SSGA risk graded multi-asset funds. This will enable people to mix-and-match their retirement savings, to ensure their regular expenditure is covered by a guaranteed income for life and keep any additional savings flexible for those just-in-case moments of unplanned irregular expenditure."