Main financial highlights of 2012 are as follows
Net profit improvement
Net Profit at PLN 472 million; grew by 1.2% y/y
ROE at 10.2%
Stable costs and record efficiency
Operating costs dropped 0.3% yearly
Cost-to-Income ratio: 55.3% in 4Q and 57.4% ytd
One of the best level of cost per branch and per employee
Good quality of loans maintained
Impaired loans ratio at 5.1% (versus market average of 8.8%)
Past-due loans over 90 days at 2.8%
Cost of risk at 58 bps over total net loans
Improved liquidity and capital position
Loan-to-Deposit ratio dropped to 95%
Total CAR at 14.5% and Core Tier 1 at 12.9% – first positive impact of IRB approval