Advisory firm Harvey Curtis has been acquired by consolidator AFH.

Harvey Curtis was founded by Nigel Poole and David Clark in 2000. The business tends to more than 1,300 clients in the south east of England and London.

AFH will pay a maximum of £2.63m for the acquisition, including an initial cash consideration of £1.22m that will be financed using the firm’s existing cash reserves.

AFH will pay the deferred cash consideration over the next 26 months based on the performance of the purchased assets.

The purchase is the tenth deal of AFH’s current financial year and will add £80m to the consolidator’s funds under management.

As part of the deal, Poole and Clark alongside their support staff will migrate to AFH.

AFH CEO Alan Hudson said: “Our tenth acquisition of the financial year is the client portfolio of an established IFA business in West Sussex.

“I am pleased to welcome Nigel and David, together with their team, to AFH and look forward to further developing the Company’s presence in the South East.”