Family Office Exchange (FOX), a global membership organization of single family offices and their advisors, has partnered with Foundation Source, a provider of support services for private foundations in the US, to offer a pair of workshops on trusteeship and foundation governance, November 19-21 in Dallas, Texas.

The two programs, "The Trustee Workshop: Preparing for Duty as a Family Trustee" and the "Foundation Board Member Workshop" will provide training for family members filling dual roles as a personal trustee for a family trust and as a board member for a family foundation, FOX said in a statement/

Each workshop is also available separately, the statement added.

The Trustee Workshop will cover the legal and fiduciary requirements of trustees with additional emphasis on managing investment and distribution policies, and the behavioural aspects of building an effective relationship with the beneficiary.

The Foundation Board Workshop will cover the legal framework and strategic visioning for the foundation as well as board development and investment oversight.

This event marks the sixth time FOX has offered trustee education in the last three years.

Sara Hamilton, founder and CEO of Family Office Exchange, said: "The trustee is critical to the welfare of the beneficiary and the sustainability of the assets in the trust, and yet there is very little formal education available to prepare trustees for the duties and liabilities of the role."

"We feel our workshop fills an ongoing need, and we’re really excited to now be able to offer a companion program in the new Foundation Board Member Workshop," Hamilton added.