COVID-19 has strained existing operations and forced providers to change their products, service delivery, and business models during acute periods of stress for their customers. The level of disruption is unprecedented. As a result, keeping track of significant developments and financial landscape shifts is more vital than ever before.

Our brand new publication, the Financial Services Briefing, provides you with a reliable source of insight during these deeply uncertain times. The report will be published at the start of each month and cover an expansive range of topics, replacing the Fintrack series, which solely focused on new innovation.

The Financial Services Briefing is comprised and curated by our expert analysts working across the Insurance, Wealth Management, Payments and Retail Banking spaces, and it covers global:

  • market developments,
  • innovations,
  • M&A activity,
  • and competitor intelligence..

Stay in the know with our round-up of key developments from across the financial services industry and become the next market leader today.

Read the full reports here.