Fieldpoint Private, a wealth advisory and private banking boutique, has hired a team of four brokers from J.P. Morgan Securities for its Greenwich, Connecticut office.
The team, which managed over $700m in assets at J.P. Morgan, comprises William Christian, Tammi Lauder, Michael Lent and William Lent. The four have joined Fieldpoint Private as managing directors and senior advisers.
All of them previously worked at Smith Barney (now Morgan Stanley) and joined forces in 2002 to launch the Landmark Group.
The team joined J.P. Morgan’s White Plains, New York office in 2010, where they offered portfolio allocation and investments, asset protection, wealth transfer and philanthropic planning, family communication, cash flow planning and credit.
Michael and William Lent joined Smith Barney (now Morgan Stanley) in 1993, where Lauder joined in the same year and Christian.
“At first we were surprised, but we realised the access Fieldpoint offered was not in spite of their boutique size, but because of it,” Lauder said.