Family Office Exchange (FOX), a peer-to-peer network for ultra-wealthy families, has unveiled the FOX Private Investor Center.

The new centre will include the spring and autumn global investment forums, private investor council, strategic CIO council, global investment survey, direct investor network, and investment strategy network.

The centre will be led by Kristi Kuechler, who most recently served as partner and managing director at San Francisco-based investment firm Lattice Strategies. Before working at Lattice, she was president of the Institute for Private Investors.

In the new role, Kuechler will report to FOX founder and CEO Sara Hamilton, and FOX president Alexandre Monnier.

 “Over the last few years, FOX has expanded its programs for private investors to include two annual FOX Global Investment Forums, two member Investment Networks and two Peer Councils. This is in addition to our long-running annual FOX Global Investment Survey. With this level of activity, it made sense to organize the programs into a Center and bring in an experienced leader who can develop it to its fullest potential,” Hamilton stated.