EFG Hermes, an investment bank in the Middle East and North Africa region, has unveiled its first UCITS funds for European investors.
The UCITS versions of the EFG Hermes MENA Equity Fund and the EFG Hermes Frontier Equity Fund will be managed from EFG Hermes’ headquarters in Dubai and will be domiciled in Ireland.
The EFG Hermes MENA Equity fund is a UCITS mirror of the firm’s flagship MEDA fund.
The Frontier Equity Fund will invest across all frontier markets but is focused on opportunities South and East Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
The frontier fund will be benchmark agnostic and consist of 15-25 holdings of high conviction investment ideas.
EFG Hermes Amr Seif, head of asset management at, said: "This is our first entry into frontier markets and also offers a vehicle to accommodate a large pool of European assets. We will use our rigorous investment process used in MENA markets in the extended frontier universe."