Dynasty chairman Todd Thomson sees this alliance as indicative of a secular trend toward independence in wealth management. "Today, state-of-the-art lies in what nimble, smart, independent firms can achieve. We think this initiative is a great example of best-in-class capability in the new industry landscape."

The new platform will integrate the proprietary research of Dynasty’s strategic partner Callan Associates with Envestnet’s advanced tools and technology.

The new platform is expected to become available exclusively to advisor teams in Dynasty’s network in early 2012.

According to Dynasty Financial Partners, in addition to integrating research and investment manager due diligence into Envestnet’s wealth management solution, the platform will incorporate an economic-scenario asset allocation model that is specifically tuned to the needs of investors with substantial assets.

From their desktops, Dynasty advisors can use the platform to generate detailed, institutional-grade proposals tailored to each client’s situation and objectives, Dynasty Financial Partners added.

"A key point of differentiation of the Dynasty/Envestnet platform is our ability to integrate independent manager research and top-notch investment thinking from Callan Associates," says Ed Swenson, COO of Dynasty Financial Partners. "Callan’s proprietary research will underlie the manager selection and asset allocation modules, and will ultimately allow investment professionals to give better, more informed and more objective advice to their clients."