Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management (DeAWM) has named Christian Ohswald as new head for its Austrian wealth management business, replacing Bernhard Ramsauer, who will step down from the firm in March 2015.

In addition, Ohswald will also become CEO of Deutsche Bank Oesterreich AG, Austria’s private bank which manages EUR4.3bn in assets under management with over 1,500 clients.

Ohswald is currently head of Raiffeisen Private Banking Wien, part of Raiffeisenlandesbank Lower Austria-Vienna.

Ohswald previously served as CEO of Bank Sal. Oppenheim jr & Cie (Austria) AG, which was later merged with Deutsche Bank’s wealth management business in Austria to form Deutsche Bank Oesterreich AG.

Moreover, Deutsche Bank Oesterreich’s COO, Ulrich Kallausch, is also leaving the firm and will be replaced by Johannes Ritter, current COO at Deutsche Bank AG’s branch in Vienna.