As Australia’s only wealth manager with expertise in Islamic investing, Crescent Wealth is targeting Malaysian institutions that are attracted to Australia’s wealth management industry.

"Crescent Wealth is pioneering the significant growth opportunity for our industry to become a leading hub for Islamic investing, particularly in our own region where 62% of the world’s Muslims reside," said Talal Yassine, Crescent Wealth founder and managing director.

Last month Crescent Wealth launched the first Islamic Australian equity fund, Crescent Australian Equity Fund (CAEF), in an attempt to make Australia a global hub for Islamic investing thereby targeting the AUS$1.4 trillion global Islamic financial services market.

CAEF is an Australian fund that is managed in accordance with Islamic principles and it will soon be followed by an international equities fund, a property fund and an income fund, which is again aimed at attracting international investors looking for a socially responsible alternative to traditional investment strategies.