Credit Suisse has hired Fitch Learning as an external partner to develop an open learning platform for client adviser certification in Switzerland.

The Swiss private banking giant trains retail and private banking client advisers in Switzerland as well as at its international locations, based on a Swiss-wide certification standard that will now also meet the future MiFID II requirements.

Credit Suisse said that the partnership with Fitch Learning, which has rich expertise in certification and also global presence, will enable internal know-how on the individual study topics to be integrated with a technological platform.

The private bank added that it upgraded the existing training content in the run-up to the launch of the new learning platform in collaboration with other banks and the certification body Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ).

Credit Suisse holds the distinction of being is the first Swiss bank to certify its client advisors in accordance with the latest SAQ standard Certified Wealth Management Advisor 1.8, both locally and as well as internationally.