British wealth manager Charles Stanley has launched its second super office in Southampton, UK.

The new location will house 10 employees including Sean Mylchreest and Nicola Smith from the firm’s Isle of Wight office. It will also house staff from Wimborne office.

The firm will offer bespoke investment management, financial planning services, and services for professional intermediaries through the new office.

Charles Stanley Southampton branch manager David Holmes said: “A lot has changed in the last ten years and our previous office was out of step with client needs and modern wealth management.

“The new office in Southampton offers greater square footage, more meeting rooms, better parking and room to expand further. The new premises and enhanced service offering is what we need to best service our clients on the South Coast of England.”

The launch of the Southampton facility comes shortly after the launch of the firm’s new office in Oxford, which was created by merging its existing Oxford and Reading offices.