Brown Brothers Harriman & Co (BBH) has joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the United Nations Global Compact.

Becoming a part of these two organisations shows a commitment from BBH to sustainability and collaboration for a positive impact.

“We are pleased to have been accepted by both the UN-supported PRI and the UN Global Compact into a growing global network of like-minded organisations committed to responsible and principled business practices.” said Bill Tyree, managing partner at BBH.

“We believe this is not the time for short-term thinking. This must be a time to lean into our values, do the right thing, and to put our stakeholders first. These partnerships are significant indications of our commitment to advancing sustainability goals, which are more likely to succeed if we work together.”

“We are delighted to welcome Brown Brothers Harriman as a PRI signatory,” added Fiona Reynolds, CEO of the PRI.

“We applaud their focus on sustainability and collaboration and look forward to working with the team on their long-term commitment to ESG investment.”

The PRI is recognised as the leading international network of investors committed to integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in their investment decision making.

Furthermore, the UN Global Compact is a consortium of companies and organisations across the world aligning strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.

The decision to join both PRI and Global Compact aligns with the firm’s Sustainable BBH programme and impact areas. With the creation of Sustainable BBH, the firm united many existing social and environmental efforts and launched several new programmes to form a comprehensive firm-wide programme.

This week, the PRI delisted firms who did not meet the standard requirements, the first time it had to do so since 2018. One of the firms ejected was investment management firm BPE, the private banking arm of La Banque Postale with over $5bn in assets under management (AuM).