At the same time, the number of clients serviced by mBank and MultiBank exceeded 4.1 million. Moreover, BRE is continuously enhancing its effectiveness – the cost to income ratio stood at 46.4% in 2012.
It was the best year in the history of BRE Bank. For the first time we earned PLN 1.2 billion and for the first time in years we plan to recommend the payment of dividend. The decision is motivated by very good capital standing of BRE. At the end of 2012, the capital adequacy ratio stood at 18.7%. The Bank is ready to comply with the Basel III requirements.
The funding structure of BRE Bank has been improving from one quarter to the next. Within the last 2 years, the value of loans advanced in Swiss francs was reduced by 10%. In addition, the funding structure was diversified thanks to the EUR 500 million eurobonds issue effected in H2 2012. Loan to deposit ratio decreased from 125% in 2011 to 116%.
2013 will be another landmark in the history of BRE Bank. In the first half of the year we will launch the new mBank which combines user-friendly electronic banking with cutting-edge technological solutions useful to the clients. In the second half of 2013, our group will start operating under joint mBank brand.
Corporate Banking
In Q4 alone, Corporate Banking made a profit before income tax of PLN 151.4 million, compared to PLN 109.9 million in Q3.
Throughout 2012, the number of companies serviced by BRE Bank was growing steadily to reach almost 15.1 thousand at the end of the year, which is by 8% more compared to 2011. The surge in profit was driven not only by higher number of corporate clients, but also by continued development of relations with the existing clients. This can be evidenced by the number of clients using the most sophisticated cash pooling solutions which grew by 13.6% in 2012.
Moreover, in 2012 BRE Bank launched numerous product innovations dedicated to corporate clients. For example, BRE introduced iBRE News, an information service providing the clients logged into the transactional system with access to market information tailored to their specific needs. In November, the Bank introduced a range of improvements and new solutions in iBRE FX, the currency exchange platform.
Retail Banking
In Q4 2012, Retail Banking generated a profit before income tax of nearly PLN 180 million. The result was by 17% lower compared to the average quarterly figure, reflecting the intensive deposit campaign of BRE Bank. From January to December 2012, Retail Banking made a profit before income tax of PLN 860 million.
In the lending area, the falling sales of mortgage loans have been compensated for by continuously rising sales of non-mortgage loans. In 2012, we advanced nearly PLN 3.3 billion of non-mortgage lending, which is by almost 1 billion more compared to 2011. Our plan is to maintain this sales level in 2013.
Last year, our efforts were also focused on acquisition, which resulted in a 200 thousand rise in the number of retail clients.
What is more, there are already 13.4 thousand holders of credit cards linked to the Miles&More programme, introduced in 2012, who have by now earned 89 thousand free miles thanks to their card transactions.