Digital asset data firm Brave New Coin has introduced a digital wealth management platform for cryptocurrency investors.

Dubbed BNC Pro, the new platform is said to be a low-cost one.

Using BNC Pro, investors and traders will be able to manage their portfolios as well as track trading pairs.

The platform will also enable investors to generate investment opportunities, the company noted.

BNC Pro enables real-time tracking of thousands of assets and trading pairs, integrating with more than 20 exchanges and syncing with users’ accounts.

The company claims that it offers an accurate view of profits and losses. Besides, it enables users to compare and assess their holdings by generating custom reports.

Moreover, the platform offers a screener tool with more than 60 data points.

This is said to generate investment opportunities in an accurate manner.

BNC Pro’s Newsfeed tracks events and sentiment in real time across 5,000 digital assets.

Commenting on the new proposition, Brave New Coin director of business development Rory Manchee said: “With BNC Pro, we wanted to deliver a cohesive platform where investors can do their research, consume industry-wide news, automate their reporting, and execute trades and rebalances at the click of a button.”

Brave New Coin supplies spot-pricing, index solutions, research as well as news through various partners including Amazon Alexa, Dow Jones Factiva, NASDAQ, and RapidAPI.