BNP Paribas Cardif has named Renaud Dumora as its new deputy chief executive officer.

He will work alongside Pierre de Villeneuve on deploying the company’s strategy, which is centred on diversification and international development of the savings and personal protection businesses in Europe, Asia and Latin America.

A member of the BNP Paribas Cardif Executive Committee since 2007, Renaud Dumora will continue to head the Finance, Risk Management and Legal Affairs departments.

This change reflects ongoing continuity in the company’s senior management and is accompanied by the appointment of two new Chief Operating Officers, Olivier Cortès, head of Efficiency, Technology & Operations, and Olivier Héreil, head of Asset Management.

Led by Pierre de Villeneuve and Renaud Dumora, the executive team of BNP Paribas Cardif now counts five chief operating officers.