Anyone with pertinent information about the fund’s administration is encouraged to leave a message for the BKD forensics team by calling the toll free number. Callers may remain anonymous or choose to provide their name and contact information. Callers are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible.
"A confidential phone line can be a useful investigative tool," said Jim Snyder, managing partner of BKD Forensics & Valuation Services. "We are hopeful that members of the public with relevant information will use this service. Our investigators will listen to and evaluate the information that is provided."
BKD encourages anyone directly impacted by the April 19, 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building to immediately contact this number if they believe they have important information related to the forensic investigation.
The Oklahoma City Community Foundation oversees the Disaster Relief Fund, one of many charitable funds established in response to the 1995 bombing. In November 2012, the Oklahoma City Community Foundation hired BKD to conduct a forensic investigation of the fund.