Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI), a UK-based asset manager, has appointed Deborah Zurkow as its new head of Alternatives group.

Zurkow, currently CIO and head of infrastructure at AllianzGI, will assume the new role on 1 June 2016.

In the new role, she will spearhead the development of the firm’s alternatives capability that includes both liquid and illiquid alternative investment solutions. Set up in December 2014, the alternatives unit comprised EUR15.7bn in assets under management by the end of the first quarter of 2016.

Zurkow has been running the AllianzGI infrastructure debt platform since 2012 and at present, oversees EUR7bn across 25 infrastructure debt projects.

She will be succeeded by Claus Fintzen after she joins in the new role. Fintzen joined AllianzGI from Trifinium Advisors in 2012.

AllianzGI CEO and global CIO Andreas Utermann said: "Over the last few years, Deborah and her team have helped turn the idea of infrastructure debt as an asset class for institutional investors into a reality. In her new, expanded role, Deborah will be able to put her experience of developing innovative solutions that meet clients’ needs to work across the entire spectrum of Alternatives."