Fund distribution platform Allfunds has teamed up with financial technology platform iCapital Network to strengthen its private market and sub-advisory ambitions.

iCapital will offer private market investment opportunities to Allfunds, enhancing the sub-advisory solutions available to its global distributor network.

The partnership will allow Allfunds distributors and their individual investors, along with small institutional investors, to utilise iCapital’s technology and fund solutions.

Allfunds’ distributors will be able to access a spectrum of private market funds from premier managers across geographies and strategies.

This includes private equity, private debt, and real assets.

Allfund will offer private market funds to its distributors through Allfunds Connect, a digital ecosystem of tools and services covering fund analysis, selection, and trading for distributors and investors.

iCapital’s technology will be integrated with Allfunds Connect to provide distributors ‘a true one-stop solution’ for their liquid and illiquid investment requirements.

Allfunds CEO Juan Alcaraz said that the partnership with iCapital is demonstrative of the company’s commitment to expand its product offering into private markets.

As part of the tie-up, iCapital will provide a digital technology solution to Allfunds to automate the subscription and client servicing processes of alternative investing during the entire investment lifecycle.

This solution is designed to remove the operational difficulties and paper-based processes that advisers and their clients usually goes through while investing in private markets.

iCapital Network head of international Marco Bizzozero called the development a key milestone in the firm’s international expansion.

“We are extremely pleased to partner with Allfunds, a recognized world leader in fund distribution, to facilitate access to a broader number of investors and advisors to private markets investment opportunities,” Bizzozero added.

In February this year, Allfunds collaborated with Ethereum software firm ConsenSys to streamline the fund distribution value chain.