PBI has drawn on WealthInsight’s research to analyse a specific industry which plays a major part in driving high net worth wealth creation. This month PBI looked at technology in Israel, US, UK, China, India and Canada.
Technology industry has always represented a huge investment opportunity for many countries around the world and wealth creator.
Tech is now, more than ever, one of the most competitive economic sectors and firms constantly need to adapt their business models in terms of costs management, products and services quality and innovation to prosper.
Despite the continued economic uncertainties, tech companies are still investing in new products. Mobile and digital devices, marketing technologies and the internet will keep driving the industry in the coming years.
The technology industry is highly competitive especially for new players coming from emerging economies. It continues to be an active actor in the creation of UHNWIs in some key countries.
Key geographies
Countries with high level of human capital development, research and innovation, and high capital are a hub for investors in the tech sector.
In recent times Israel has become one of the world’s leading high-tech centres. Israel dedicates 4.5% of its GDP to research and development, the highest proportion in the world. Technology is one of Israeli’s most developed sectors making up 7.1% of local GDP in 2012.
It is the most important industry from which Israeli UHNWIs have acquired their wealth. According to WealthInsight, tech is the primary source of wealth for 27% of local UHNWIs. Israeli’s high-technology products include aviation, communications, computer-aided design and manufactures, medical electronics, fibre optics.
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Mr. Stef Wertheimer | 3.5 | Manufacturing, Technology | Tel Aviv |
Mr. Teddy Sagi | 2.61 | Tech & Telecommunications | Tel Aviv |
Mr. Gil Shwed | 1.58 | Tech & Telecommunications | Jerusalem |
In the US technology is one of the "high wage" sectors together with the entertainment and aerospace industries. It is the fourth largest domestic sector accounting for 7.8% of local GDP in 2011. It is the primary source of wealth for 11.3% of US billionaires (48 billionaires).
Though the majority of New York billionaires have made their money through financial services, technology is the largest sector for billionaires in California counting 25 billionaires in total.
According to a recent report conducted by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, the US hi-tech industries are projected to grow by 16.2% by 2020, compared to 13.1% for the rest of US industry.
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Mr. William Henry Gates III | 61 | Tech & Telecommunications | Medina |
Mr. Lawrence Joseph Ellison | 42.21 | Tech & Telecommunications | San Francisco |
Dr. Lawrence Page | 23.43 | Tech & Telecommunications | East Lansing, Michigan |
The UK is home to over 100,000 specialist software houses, and is the world’s leading internet gateway with 36% of worldwide internet traffic routed through UK servers. WealthInsight reported that the UK IT market is expected to drive the creation of 2,500 new businesses and over 80,000 new jobs by 2013.
Technology is the fourth most important industry for UK HNWIs. 10.1% of UK HNWIs acquired their wealth from the technology sector.
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim | 1.1bn | Tech & Telecommunications | London |
Mr. Andrew Christopher Gower | 650m | Tech & Telecommunications | Nottingham |
Mr. Jonathan Kendrick | 511m | Tech & Telecommunications | Wolverhampton |
Technology and software are among the top performing industries for HNWIs in China. According to WealthInsight database, technology generates 10.1% of Chinese UHNWIs. Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai are the three regions with the highest number of UHNWIs who have acquired their wealth in technology and software. Beijing has become a centre for the technology and software industry.
According to WealthInsight’s forecasts, 25% of Chinese HNWIs will have generated their wealth from technology and software by 2015. The growth in the technology and software sector will be based on large growth in e-commerce and internet-based businesses, as well as further increases in local sales of computers and related products.
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Mr. Huateng Ma | 6.86 | Tech and telecommunications | Chaoyang |
Mr. Lu Zhiqiang | 4.44 | Financial Services & Investments, Real Estate, Tech & Telecommunications | Beijing |
Mr. Lei William Ding | 3.7 | Tech & Telecommunications | Ningbo |
UHNWIs acquiring their wealth in the Indian technology and software sectors saw a significant growth in their volume of more than 50% between 2007 and 2011.
However, technology and software industry is not the dominant HNWI wealth-creating industries in the country. In 2011 technology was the primary source of wealth for 7.5% of Indian HNWIs and 7.7% of UHNWIs. Mumbai, Delhi and New Delhi, and the technology and software centres of Bangalore and Hyderabad are among the key economic engines of India’s HNWIs
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Mr. Shiv Nadar | 6.49 | Tech and Telecommunications | Chennai |
Mr. Srichand Parmanand Hinduja | 4.67 | Energy & Utilities, Financial Services & Investments, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Tech & Telecommunications | London |
Mr. Nandan M.Nilekani | 1.53 | Tech & Telecommunications | Sirsi, Karnataka |
The tech sector was a strong performer in the past 12 months contributing $67.2bn to GDP. In 2012 technology was the primary source of wealth for 6.3% of Canadian HNWI with their volume increasing by 10% between 2007 and 2012, according to WealthInsight. The wealth consultancy also found that the younger generation of wealthy clients, the Y rather than next generation, represents a core client group which is creating its wealth from technology. In terms of best performing cities for the sector, Ottawa is considered to be the "Silicon Valley of the North" as it boasts a large hi-tech sector. Vancouver is also an increasingly important centre for technology especially in software development and biotechnology. With the recovery of US economy and weakness in the Canadian dollar, exports have also been the main drivers for technology sector’s growth.
Name | Wealth (US$bn) | Sector | City of Residence |
Mr. Edward Rogers | 5.7 | Technology | Toronto |
Mr. Ronald D. Southern | 1.83 | Energy & Utilities, Tech & Telecommunications, Transport & Logistics |
Alberta |
Mr. André Chagnon | 550m | Tech & Telecommunications | Montreal |